Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Star Power

Our son Logan has never been described as he is belting out a classic.

Makes you want to do some situps...


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Baby Bling

Ava on the day of her Baptism

Leaving nothing on the floor

An old war strategy when you have multiple enemies is to turn them on one another, let them annihilate each other and then swoop in a pick up the pieces. The equivalent to this for a parent is a play-date. For those of you out of the loop, a play-date is when you team up with another parent (as desperate as you to conquer their child) and have your children wear each other down to the point of complete exhaustion. It's awesome!!!

Logan passed out after a hard day of play

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My bad

For those of you who have found your way back...I apologize. Soon after creating this blog it was pointed out (helpful mother-in-law) that the URL was, how to say this...obscene. When I was creating the page I had decided to leave out the indefinate article and the preposition (for those of you like myself who do not know or care how you define words in a sentence, I'm talking about the A and the of) which changed it's meaning completely. So no, this blog is not about the backside of my skinny female dog nor is it about the guys in my cube at work (you know who you are), it is a completely narcissistic look into the madness that is my life (and thoughts). Anyways, welcome back and have a laugh at my ineptness, I know I did.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Winter Wonderland

With all the snow this year, it'd be a shame to not get out and enjoy it a little bit. My Aunt and Uncle (Thanks Eddie and Coralee) invited us to use their cabin near Tomahawk, WI for a weekend with my extended family (Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, Ron and Family). After seven painful hours of driving in the snow, we finally arrived and instantly crashed. The next day made the trip well worth it however...the weather was excellent and we all went outside and were able to enjoy winter, at least for one day.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Why did we move into a bigger house?

How come the greatest ideas always seem to happen too late. For those of you who think you need separate bedrooms for each child (as I mistakenly did), be inspired by the space saving application of the changing table being demonstrated by my sons below. Reduce your require footprint from 100+ sq ft/child to 4 sq ft/3 children.

Good idea boys...

Even Ava loves the underdog...

Okay, so maybe it's just gas but I'd like to think that my baby girl is revelling in the Patriots imperfect season as much as her dad...

Now I call that perfect...

I don't know if there is anything as perfect as the NY Giants knocking off the unbeaten (and thought to be invincible) New England Patriots in the championship game. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it even more if the Packers had done the deed but it still made me jump for joy to see the Devil (Belichick) scurrying to the lockeroom before the game even ended (that guy is the poster child for poor sportsmanship).

Tonight even I am a NY Giants fan...

Kicking it off...

Well, I've been fighting it for a few years (and as the blog title might suggest, making time to do this is going to be a challenge) but I think I'm ready to start cataloging the events of my life that I find interesting. This blog is going to be dedicated to family first (charting the progress of my ever expanding and most important contributions to this world), personal commentaries and occasionally my technilogical breakthroughs (as my contract to geekdom requires). So anyway, I hope it is fruitful and informative...
