Saturday, March 29, 2008

Beauty in the chaos

There are moments in your life when everything just makes sense. Below are three of my "moments".

Quite the gift from my creative wife...another of my "moments".
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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Four years...

It seems like just yesterday that I met him for the first time but our little boy is now going to preschool, learning letters and numbers, riding a two wheeler (with the aid of training wheels). Too fast...

Celebrating Logan's birth with 'all his friends'

Pirate Birthday

To celebrate Logan's 4th birthday we invited him to pick his own theme. Given the "audience participation" and the smile on his face I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it.

Our little pirate, complete with pirate T-Shirt designed by Julie

A fearsome bunch, especially Earl 'the Pearl'

Aye ther matey!

Pirate Cake, mommy outdoes herself again

Bubble Bath

Dirty boys? Clean them up!