Friday, October 24, 2008

Our First Packer Game

This past weekend, I was able to experience, for the first time, something that every football fan should at least once in their lifetime...attending a game at the legendary Lambeau Field. As if that wasn't enough, I was able to share this lifetime event with my father, who also was visiting Lambeau for the first time.

I was lucky enough to have a coworker who has season tickets which he wasn't going to need for the October 19th game against the Indianapolis Colts. Since he knew I hadn't ever been to a game he gave me first option on the tickets and I promptly accepted (thanks again Jason!).

My father and I drove up to Green Bay, arriving at around 12:30 and went to a pre-game tailgate sponsored by one of the vendors we have at Wolf. Menasha's tailgate was amazing...basically they own a house (from which you can see Lambeau) which is only used for these parties, it was decked out with Subzero/Wolf appliances in the GARAGE and they had a buffet line going around the interior of the garage that had too much food to even mention. They also provided free beer/liquor, which my dad and I happily consumed since it was a little bit chilly.

We headed over to the field about an hour before kick-off so we could see warm-ups. Just walking into the stadium gave me a little bit of a stomach tingle which when we saw our seat location (50 yard line, 12th row up, Packer sideline) grew into full fledged excitement. We settled in (I recommend renting the bleacher backers, saves the back) and got ready for the fun to begin.

The game was everything you could ask for...the Packer's defense showed up strong, rarely giving any separation to a talented core of receivers from the Colts and the offense was equally effective with Aaron Rodgers taking what was there and Ryan Grant having one of his better performances of the season. On top of the play on the field the enthusiasum of the crowd was palpabale, by the end of the game my throat and voice were quite hoarse. All in all we witnessed one throwing touchdown, one running touchdown and two interceptions returned for touchdowns (including a 98 yarder, coast-to-coast).

It was a tremendous day and one I will not soon forget. I'm most thankful for being able to experience it with my dad, thanks again for an amazing day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A trip to the Apple Orchard
We had a great time at the apple orchard (The Apple Barn in Elkhorn) with the Recob family last weekend. Grandma Recob, Ron, Bobbi, Maddi, Nolan, Kaitlyn and Dewey joined us. The kids had a blast picking apples, playing on the fire truck, going down the huge slide and picking out some pumpkins from the field of pumpkins. We enjoyed apple cidar donuts, which were delicious and had a picnic lunch before we headed out.

A day at the Apple Orchard

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cooper's in a Big Boy Bed

Cooper is getting to be such a big boy. Last week we moved him into a toddler bed. He was so excited to have a bed he could get in and out of on his own. He only got up once the first night and once the second night and has been staying in bed unless he has to go potty.

Waldvogels Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we went to Waldvogels Pumpkin Patch with my parents and my sister. This is the third year we've gone and we always have a great time. The highlight this year was the peddle cars and the hay bails, which both boys had fun jumping around on and climbing through.