Monday, November 10, 2008

A Spooktacular Halloween Party

Logan had the brilliant idea to have a Halloween party this year. He was so excited about it and had it all planned out in his head. Randy and I decide to just go with it and we ended up with quite the crew from around town. We ate all kinds of fun, spooky snacks, played games and just had fun dancing around to spooky music.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ava, Cute as Can Be

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Climbing Trees

We have a great tree in our front yard that has a ladder attached to it. It provides hours of imaginative play. I cought a few pictures of the kids while they were playing around!
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Halloween 2008

We had a great time this year over Halloween. Logan dressed up as Spiderman and got to wear 'sticky gloves' so he could cling to whatever he wanted to climb. Cooper went as a little monkey...he also loves to climb so this was very fitting. Ava went as a skunk (or little stinker...the sweetest one I know). Logan and Cooper had such a fun time dressing up and going trick or treating. Cooper couldn't believe that all he had to say was "Trick or Treat" and people gave him candy...what a fun game. This continued for days..."Trick or Treat Mommy, Trick or Treat Daddy....Logan" and so on. Ava was just plain cute, although she was definitely happiest after the costume was off and she could just crawl around in her tights and onesie!
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