Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving with the Miller's

We spent Thanksgiving day with my family this year. We decided to leave Wednesday night so the kids could just relax in the car and fall worked for 2 of the 3...Cooper was resilient. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and just visiting with everyone. On Thursday morning we woke up and played a bit. The kids enjoyed watching bits and pieces of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We ate a wonderful turkey dinner around 12:30. My mom tried a few new recipes. One was a broccoli dish that was very good and the other was a twiced baked mashed potato dish that was also great! We cleaned up and played some cards while the kids napped. Then enjoyed some fresh baked pies that my sister made! It was a great day! Friday morning I went out shopping for a bit. Then we tried to see The Blindside, getting there 10 minutes early...but it was sold out. Bummer. All in all it was a great visit! I truely appreciate my family and how wonderful they are. The kids can't get enough of them!
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Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Weekend with the Grandparents

We were lucky enough to see both sets of Grandparents in one weekend at the beginning of November. It was beautiful outside (mid-60's most of the weekend). My parents came down on Saturday and spent the day at our house. We hung out, went to the tree playground that we discovered with Aunt Casey the weekend before (this is basically a wooded area that has a bunch of fallen trees that the kids love crawling around on), and had fajitas for dinner! It was a lot of fun. Then on Sunday we went down to Delevan to spend another gorgious day with Randy's parents. We played in the leaves, grabbed McDonalds and went to Springs park to eat, play and walk around a bit. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day...especially in Wisconsin in November
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