Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Meeting the family

We were too excited to share our new addition with his big brothers and sister to wait until the morning so we had Grandma Recob (who had come up to watch them while we were in the hospital) bring them straight away. Everyone was excited to meet baby Marshmallow (now baby Parker) and all took their turns holding and talking sweetly to him. It was a late night for everyone but they all went to bed with visions of their new brother dancing through their heads.

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Getting all cleaned up

Since everything went so well with the delivery, Parker spent a considerable amount of time with Mommy and Daddy before getting "cleaned up", weighed and measured. His color came quickly and he had eyes open and was taking in the world right away. He's been very vocal, letting us know what he likes (anything which involves contact with Mommy) and what he doesn't (baths).

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Now Introducing...

Parker Paul Recob
July 6th, 2010
8lbs 9oz

Seconds after birth...

One happy and exhausted mommy...

Bonding already

Proud mommy and daddy
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Baby marshmallow (as we like to call him or her) is expected any day now! We couldn't be more excited! Cooper would like to name the baby Fred if it's a boy (because that's what Papa Earl calls Cooper sometimes). Ava just thinks we should name him or her marshmallow because that's what she's been calling the baby for the last six months. Logan is excited for baby to be born and mommy to have her normal body back (I did remind him that it will take some time). We are all very excited to hug and kiss our new little addition to the family!
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Miller Family Reunion 2010

I'm finally getting around to posting these pictures from our family reunion we had on June 12, 2010. We had a full crew at our house over the weekend, and it was so much fun to see everyone and spend time with them. The kids all enjoyed playing together in the pool and sandbox, while cousins and aunts and uncles chatted and everyone caught up a bit. We even stopped for a moment to celebrate Shorty's birthday! It was so good to see everyone and I hope this is a tradition that we can continue in the years to come! Thanks to all who made the trip! It was great to see you!
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Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July 2010

We had a very nice 4th of July. We went to the parade in Whitewater (the kids had fun collecting candy, getting sprayed with water, and watching all the floats and bands). Afterwards we came back to the house and just relaxed for the afternoon. In the evening we went back to Whitewater to enjoy the fireworks with Ron, Maddi, Kaitlyn and Robby. Cooper gave us the play by play during the fireworks, which was quite cute and Ava was able to enjoy them for the first time!
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