Thursday, August 26, 2010

Date Night with Logan

Logan and I enjoyed a special date night tonight. He got all dressed up (all on his own), so I followed suit. We went to Red Robbin for dinner, where we both ordered lemonade, hamburgers and fries (it was important that we ordered the same thing)! We had so much fun chatting and just spending some one on one time together! He was such a handsome young man and so sweet. We ended the meal with a few video games in the small game room. Then we stopped at the store and Logan picked out a Star Wars Lego set to buy with his allowance money. All in all it was great. It is so nice to be able to chat without being interupted and Logan just ate up all the personal attention. I would love to be able to do this with all the kids soon! Thanks Logan for a wonderful night were the perfect gentleman!
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Madison Zoo Continued

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Madison Zoo with Friends

Before school started we met Jenny and Stacie at the Madison Zoo. It was a beautiful day and the kids really enjoyed running around together to check ou all the animals. Because we had 9 kids and only 3 adults, we developed a buddy system which was quite cute! You can see the girls holing hands in the next set of pictures. We enjoyed a picnic lunch and then played in the park afterwards. It's so fun to meet and do things like this! I wish summer lasted forever!
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Pool Fun

We enjoyed a beautiful day outside today! It was gorgeous this morning...we played some t-ball in the yard, rode bikes, played in the sandbox/swing set and then finished the morning off with a dip in the pool. I couldn't have asked for a better morning with the kids!
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Ava at the Creek

We had a great time visiting Aunt Casey in Cedarburg! We walked to the park and got icecream on Tuesday night and then went to the pool twice on Wednesday! It was worth it because all 4 of the kids slept during nap time and Casey and I got a little 'adult time' to chat, rest and play a game of Scrabble! Then we ate and went to a ski show (which the kids loved). Thanks for having us Aunt Casey!
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Thursday, August 12, 2010


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Let's make a fort

This may look like a big mess to most people but to my children it is a fort, a lion's den or a multi-room tent. They have so much fun building forts and more often than not they have one built up in the basement. This might be payback for all the Barbie messes Casey and I used to build in our basement growing up...we'd beg our parents to keep it for just one more day! Now my kiddo's are doing the same. When I asked them today if they would pick it up they begged and pleaded to keep it (they just built it yesterday and it was one of their best ones)! So the fort will stay until tomorrow!
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Spider Kids

Saturday we took the kids to Rockwell Elementary School to play at the park. They love it and have aptly named it Spider Park because of the gigantic spiderweb they love to play on. It was fun to see them all playing so nicely together. You know they've had fun when they all tell you how much they love you when they leave and comment that this is going to be the best day ever!
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