Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Perfectly Folded

The laundry fairy came to my house when my Grandma came to visit. Can you see how beautiful these piles are? I can never get everything folded this uniformly...thank goodness for the laundry fairy! I can't wait for her next visit!
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Wonderful visit with Grandma Nelson

My Grandma Nelson came to visit last week. It was so wonderful to see her and have her visit with the kids. They had fun coloring pictures, playing doctor and just giggling together. We spent two afternoons running around doing some fun errands, having lunch, making cute owl clips and catching up! I really cherish the time I can spend with her and am so grateful she came my way!
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Recob's

Cooper and Parker
Ava hugging Lucas
Lucas is all grins
Randy and Parker
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Thanksgiving at the Recob's

Maddi, Kaitlyn and Parker snuggling
Maddi, Kaitlyn, Logan and Parker
Cooper helps mom play cards
Playing cards with the family
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Girls Night Out

My mom, Casey and I had a fun day together on Saturday. We grabbed lunch and then shopped a bit in the afternoon and went to the Fireside Dinner Theater for dinner and a show. It was great to spend time with them, chatting and giggling! We saw the Christmas show, which was titled 'The Child'. It was a great show...just a bit long. Hopefully we'll be able to do it again sometime soon!
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Monday, November 1, 2010

A Day with Casey

On Friday we went to visit Aunt Casey and took a morning trip to Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary. We drove around very slowly in a golf cart to see many different wild animals. We saw some deer, horses, elk, cheetahs, skunk, racoons and many other neat animals. The kids had a good time and were fairly patient. After our tour around the place we ate a picnic lunch and then headed back to Casey's for naps. It was nice to do something different...although next time we'll remember to bring a snack along for the ride!
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Pinewood Derby

Randy and Logan worked on a car for the pinewood derby at Awana. Logan's is the red one in the middle (a snake of course). Logan designed the car and Randy cut it out of the wood block and sanded it. Then they drew on the design and Logan (with a bit of help from mom) painted the car to get it ready for the race. It was pretty cool and his car did well. We'll see what they come up with next year.
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Ava and Grant

During my maternity leave I was able to have Grant over on Mondays. Ava and Grant had so much fun together playing house and trains inside, riding bikes on their track, playing in the tree house, swinging and just running around being crazy. It was so much fun to see them laughing and interacting together and I will miss those days when I'm back at work. I had a great time just getting down on the floor and playing with them or standing out of sight listening to their conversations. Today they were talking about their Halloween costumes and how their Mommy's made them take them off. They did reassure each other that they would be able to dress up again 'soon'. Too funny! Thanks for all the smiles Grant!
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2010 Halloween Costumes

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