Monday, December 19, 2011

2nd Place at Fort Tournament

We are all so proud of Logan for his great finish on Sunday at the Fort Wrestling Tournament. He took 2nd place in his weight class (52.5 pounds). He really improved as the day went on. The first match he was a little timid out there and then he really got aggressive with his second and third match. He pinned his third guy and it was neat to watch...he got so excited! Lot's of family was there to watch...Papa Recob, Daddy, Papa Miller, Aunt Casey, Mommy and Grandma Recob came to cheer you on!
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Zeek in the Tree

This is where Zeek ended up today!
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Zeek - our Elf on the Shelf

Our Elf on the Shelf, Zeek, sure does get himself into some funny posiitions. Here are just a few of the places we have found him. The kids have so much fun rushing downstairs to see where Zeek has landed this time. This is such a fun tradition!
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Beauty and the Beast

Rose treated us girls to Beauty and the Beast at the Overture Center in Madison and we had a blast. It was so neat to see the show in person and the costumes/music were absolutely wonderful. What a fun evening! Ava even managed to stay up to see Belle and the Beast get married (impressive considering the show didn't end until 10:30 pm).
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All Dressed up and Ready to Go Out!

Ava and I are all ready for a night on the town with the girls. Rose
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Butterfly on a leash.

Parker was all giggles with this and on the trampoline.

Kate gives Cooper a hug!

Carson and Logan are all sweaty from playing hard!
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Breakfast with Santa

Randy's work sponsers a breakfast with Santa at Keva Sports Center in Madison. It was a lot of fun! We got their early and went to sit on Santa's lap (everyone was excited except Parker). Then we ate breakfast. The kids couldn't wait to get into the bouncy houses and run around and play. Cooper had fun playing with Kate Andrews and Logan and Ava played with Carson and Sonya! It's so nice that Wolf supported this family event again!
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Logan's Christmas Program

Logan did a nice job singing and dancing during his Christmas concert this year! The theme was A Beary Merry Christmas...and it was very cute! Many of the second graders had speaking parts or instrumental parts (Logan spoke...he did well, but was a little tough to hear). It was a fun evening!
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving with the Recob's

We celebrated thanksgiving with the Recob's on Saturday. It was so nice to see and visit with everyone. We ate turkey, wild rice, mashed potatoes, green bean caserole, rolls, and mostaccoli. With 8 kids and 7 adults things are a bit rambunctious. Despite all that was going on, we were able to sit down and play a game later in the day. The kids all entertained each other which was nice. We enjoyed some home-made pie (pumpkin, pecan and chocolate pudding - a favorite among the kids) and even enjoyed some cranberry wine! I just love the holidays, it's nice to get together with family to enjoy good food and good conversation.
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Me and my Sister

What a cute picture!
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Thanksgiving Dinner 2011

Our menu was roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, wild-rice stuffing, squash, corn, pumpernickle rolls, cranberries, and yummy applesauce. For dessert we had cranberry-apple pie, pumpin pecan pie, pecan pie, and apple pie.
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Thanksgiving with the Miller's

Everyone had a good time in Omro this Thanksgiving. The weather was beautiful and we were able to have fun both inside and out. We visited, ate a late lunch (which was wonderful), played spud outside with the kids, played some 31 with the adults, ate delicious pie (made by Casey and I) and visited a bit more. The kids were tuckered out on the way home and crashed in the van before I headed out for some crazy black Friday shopping.
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Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Tooth Lost

Logan lost his first tooth this morning at approximately 5:30 am. He was so excited he jumped in bed with me and couldn't wait to show off his new smile. He has waited 7 1/2 years to lose this tooth and is one of the last kids in his second grade class to lose one. It's been a long wait, but he is oh so excited for a visit from the tooth fairy! What an exciting day!
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Busy Barn with Casey

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Busy Barn

This is the family at Busy Barn Farm.
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Lego Crane

Logan spends hours making wonderful Lego creations. This is just one of them. It's been remade several times but he created kit, no directions, just pure imagination.
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Our 4 Little Trick or Treaters

Cooper as Stitch from Disney's Lilo and Stitch.

Logan as a soldier from the Navy or Army.

Ava as a cute little fairy princess.

Parker as out sweet little skunk!
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