Monday, January 31, 2011

All Smiles

Parker is one of the happiest little guys you'll ever meet. I don't think that smile could get much bigger!
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sledding by the Armory

I took the kids sledding at the Armory on a Sunday afternoon! It was beautiful outside the perfect weather for snow fun! We grabbed Maddi on the way over to the hill and had a blast. Logan and Cooper braved the hill with the giant jump, while Ava and I enjoyed some more relaxed fun on the other side of the stairs. While we were there Cooper saw a friend of his from school and had fun sledding with Owen. They laughed together and just had a great time. Meanwhile Logan and Maddi sledded down the hill with sleds, without, and every way in between. Good times were had by all!
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Casey's Birthday

I traveled to Casey's house in early January to celebrate her birthday with her. We shopped a bit at Bayshore Mall and then went to Bucca's for dinner. After dinner we went bowling with some friends of hers. It was a great day. I feel so blessed to have such a great sister and best friend. She makes me laugh like no one else and is someone I can talk to about anything! I love you sis!
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ava and her baby

This is a dress that Randy's mom made for Ava and her baby. She just loves it and wore it on Valentines Day (because it has hearts on it). She is all about dressing like her babies and has several matching outfits. It is so cute!
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Madison Children's Museum

What a fun day we had at the Children's Museum. We went to check it out on New Year's Eve. Everyone seemed to have the same was packed. That didn't stop the kids from having a great time though. The favorite areas included...the climbing area with old cars and vines, the painting wall and shadow room, the building area, and recycled art. There was so much to was unbelievable. We didn't even get to do it all. I'd love to meet someone there...let me know if you are ever interested. We have a family pass now!
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