Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our Little Scientist

We are so proud of Logan. He entered the Fort Atkinson Science Fair this year and took first place in his division. He worked really hard coming up with a question, hypothesis (and reason why), conducting the experiment, measuring with a measuring tape and coming up with a conclusion. He seemed to enjoy the process and was so excited when he got the call that he had placed. We hope he continues to be so excited about school stuff.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

Go Packers! The kids were excited to cheer the Packers on as they won the 2011 Superbowl.
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Parker meets Bentley

Ashley and Dave came up for a visit before they headed back home to Canada. We got to meet their adorable son, Bentley, and ironically enough Parker and him were wearing the same shirts (it was superbowl Sunday and they were in their green and gold). It was so cute and they were just in awe of each other! It is always great to visit with old friends. We wish they lived closer but are greatful that they take the time to come back to visit!
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