Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Having fun at the Resort

Here we are hanging out by the pool and at the playground.  The boys had fun climbing all over Robby (Kaitlyn's boyfriend) and Papa even got in on the action a bit!  The kids could have spent all day in the pool if we let them.  As it turned out we were there almost every morning until lunch time and then again before and after supper!

Clearwater Beach

Here we are at Clearwater Beach, where we spent the day on Thursday.  It was so beautiful.  It was hot but breezy and the sand was so fine.  The kids had a blast building sand castles and running into the ocean!  The adults just relaxed and soaked in the sun (a bit much for our fair Wisconsin skin)...but it was so nice to hear the waves crashing into the shore and to experience another side of Florida.  I think this was one of my favorite days in Florida!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jesse & the gang

Disney World 2011

Here we are in front of the Magic Kingdom castle! Parker was asleep for the picture but the other 3 are excited to explore this magical place!

Disney 2011

Here is one snap-shot we got of all of us on Tom Sawyer's Island. It was a nice way to get out of the sun mid-day when temperatures were rising! 

Fun in the Florida Sun

These pictures were taken at the resort we stayed at while we were in Florida for vacation. It was really quite beautiful. The weather was perfect high 70's or low 80's every day! We really enjoyed just relaxing by the pool and enjoying a picnic lunch! It was so good to spend time with all the Recob's. I think everyone would have loved to stay longer but alas...all good things must end! We are so grateful to Randy's parents for hosting us! It was a magical trip!