Saturday, July 23, 2011

Logan's baseball team

Logan played coach pitch this year for baseball and had a blast. There were only 2 teams during his time frame so they played each other the whole season. His team was the pirates in the yellow. I had fun chatting with all the other mom's and Cooper, Ava and Parker played while Logan was playing ball.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hanging out with Cousins

We had Nolan and Lucas over to play one morning while the big kids were at summer school. Everyone enjoyed splashing in the pool and eating freeze pops poolside!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Camping with the Heagneys

What a fun day/night we had just playing and hanging out in our backyard with good friends of ours. We swam all afternoon, ate spagetti for dinner, swam some more, played in the sandbox, had a bonfire with smores, caught fire-flies, played ghost in the graveyard and then crashed in the tent (all eight of us...Randy stayed inside with Parker). Then we woke up and ate chocolate chip pancakes and were in the pool before 8 am. It was a lot of fun but quite exhausting!
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Big Bear

This is Big Bear. He was a gift to Parker from Aunt Casey and while I thought he was a bit big my children adore him and lovingly refer to him as Big Bear.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Group shots on the 4th

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4th of July Parade

We celebrated the 4th of July in Omro with my parents, sister and Jenny and Aaron! It was fun to see the parade and picnic in my parents backyard. The kids enjoyed time in the sprinkler and baby pool, playing with babies and a baseball game at the school. I just love low key days like this with lots of visiting and playing!
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Backyard Fun

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Garon and Landen

Garon and Landen spent part of the 4th with us as well. It was great to see them (it's been way to long). They are both such neat boys and it was fun to spend some time with them during their visit to Wisconsin.

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Daddy and his Little Girl

Daddy spent some time with Ava over the 4th. They played a little house with the babies my mom got out from when she was a little girl and then they played some baseball. As you can see Ava is a well-rounded young lady and she couldn't look much cuter in her dress hitting the baseball!
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Catching Fire Flies with the O'Neil's

Friends of ours are fixing up a house they just bought outside of town. We were able to enjoy a nice night out there before the 4th of July eating yummy food, enjoying a bonfire, catching a beautiful sunset, capturing fire flies, and watching Jesse light off some fireworks. It was such a nice night!
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