Sunday, October 9, 2011

Go Badgers Go!

We went to Madison on Saturday to watch the Nebraska/Wisconsin game at some friends of ours who live just blocks away from the stadium. It was fun to join their family (the Pionek's) and walk down to where all the action was going to take place. The people were crazy and our kids got a little Madison culture. Then we went back to Jason and Carolyn's and grilled out and enjoyed the game. The kids were all so good and played awesome together. We only had one little mishap (when the little girls locked themselves in the walk-in closet). Otherwise the big kids jammed on the guitars, drums and other instruments and everyone played wonderfully! I even scooted out and got a few errands run!
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Apple Barn Apple Orchard

We met Grandma and Grandpa at the apple orchard yesterday afternoon. It was fun to let the kids pick some apples, take some fun pictures, play on the firetruck and in the bouncy house and most of all enjoy some apple donuts...Yum Yum! What a gorgeous weekend! The fall colors are at their peak and we are enjoying 80 degree days and cool 50-60 degree nights! I love an indian summer.
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Ava on a two-wheeler

Ava is also trying to ride a two-wheeler bike. She can do it but has a little trouble steering and remembering to watch where she is going. It's cute, but a little scarey at the same time! She has to keep up with her brothers though!
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Cooper riding a two-wheeler

Cooper learned to ride a two-wheeler right before he turned 5. Yesterday we got him set up on a big boy bike! He was so excited to be able to ride around the block with the big boys! He was grinning from ear to ear all day!
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The Bears

Logan is having so much fun playing flag football this year with all his friends. This week they played the other Barrie team, so they all knew each other. It was great to see them out on the field having a great time!
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Ava starts dance

Ava started dance on Monday and was so excited to get into her little dance outfit! It was fun to watch all the little girls learning some beginner moves and dance to the fun music!
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Happy Birthday Papa

We went up to Omro to help Papa celebrate his 68th birthday. It was a gorgeous day, so we played at the park, sat outside and chatted and enjoyed fried fish, potato wedges and corn for lunch. Grandma made a wonderful apple cake that we ate right before heading out at 5:00!
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More Fun at the Park

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Black Hawk Fall Fun Run

Logan ran in the Blackhawk Fun Run on Wednesday and really gave it his all. He warmed up with his friends (which meant they all ran the course together beforehand) and then continued to run around after each other until the race started. He ran his little heart out and ended up getting 1st in his grade level.
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