Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Casey and I on Christmas Day

I am so grateful to have my sister in my life. She makes me laugh like no one else can, she is a great listener, she is willing to just go with the flow, she pitches in, finishes my sentences, knows my next thoughts and is always a bundle of energy. It was nice to spend a few days with her over break!
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Goodnight Everyone

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Parker's First Haircut

Parker got his first haircut on Sunday by his mommy. He sat suprisingly still and was pretty happy-go-lucky about the whole thing. He even let me use the clippers to get the bottom and sides even. I decided to press my luck and trim the back and top with the clippers too and he was great. What a trooper. Now he looks like such a big boy from behind. Our baby is growing up way to fast.
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