Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Airplane out of Tinker Toys


Cooper and Mommy made a really neat airplane out of Tinker Toys today.  It's smiles like these that help me slow down and remember to be grateful for the precious time I get with my children.  Cooper is such an easy going guy and he is great at entertaining himself for hours on end.  He loves it though when I take some time to sit with him and create!  It's fun to see how he initiates conversation and shares all the neat things that he is thinking about.  He is so inquisitive and wants to know how and why everything works.  I wish I could have half of his imagination!
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Thursday, May 24, 2012


Happy Birthday Granma Recob!  We enjoyed a nice cookout on Sunday afternoon at grandma and grandpa Recob's house.  The kids jumped on the trampoline and played on the playset, while we enjoyed the day.  It looked like rain, but we didn't get too much!  Papa made Shishkobobs on the grill and we enjoyed an Army Icecream cake that he picked out as well!
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Beautiful May Weather


The boys are loving the hot weather we have had lately!  Parker got his first taste of the sprinkler and ended up just loving it.  He has absolutely no fear of water.  He was blowing bubbles in the baby pool and wasted no time dunking his head completely under!
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So much support and love from all who came!


Wow, Ava really felt like a princess at her first dance recital!  Both sets of grandparents made it to watch along with her Godmother Cara Heagney, her Aunt Casey (who made it with minutes to spare) and of course her 3 brothers.  It was fun to watch her twirl and follow along with the dance moves.  She got 80% of them and had a smile on her face the whole time!  I was proud of her for being up on stage and doing it in front of so many people.  She was spoiled with flowers (which we've been enjoying at home).  It was a nice evening!
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Ava's Dance First Recital

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Logan's Piano Recital


Logan had his first piano recital today and did such a nice job playing 'If I Only Had a Brain' from the Wizard of Oz.  We are so proud of him!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our little ones dressing up

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Parker and Cole are such good buddies!  Even at the age of 1 and 2 they already play with each other!
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I Wear My Sunglasses at Night

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Riding along in my Automobile

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