Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More Games

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Miller Family Olympics Teams

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Miller Family Reunion 2012

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Bruce Bocci

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Logan and Mom after the big event!

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Triathalon Continued


So proud of Logan.  He worked really hard in the youth triathalon and ended up taking 7th in his age division!  He had a great time and went out there and did his best!
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Fort Atkinson Youth Triathalon

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Happy Birthday Parker

Parker turned 2 on July 6.  I can hardly believe that he is so big already!  He is such a happy little guy.  He loves to flash his big grin up at you with those big blue eyes, it can make you melt.  He loves to play with trains and trucks, really anything that he can push around on the ground so it seemed appropriate for him to have a train cake.  The kids had fun blowing noise makers and choosing their train to eat after our taco dinner!  We swam, enjoyed each others company and ate lots of cake!
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Monday, July 9, 2012

Parker is two!


We celebrated Parker's 2nd birthday in shifts.  Our first celebration was on the 4th of July with the Miller's at Casey's house in Cedarburg.  We paused in the late afternoon to sing happy birthday, enjoy some raspberry brownie bites and let him open his presents.  His favorite part was blowing out the candles!  Then on his actual birthday we went to Pizza Hut as a family and let him enjoy his favorite food 'pizza', which was one of the first words he said!  We then came home and let him open up his remote control dumptruck station from us.  The third celebration was with the Recob's on Sunday afternoon.  We swam, ate taco's and enjoyed train cake.  Then Parker took his new boat and truck into the pool for more outside fun!  He also loved his new table from grandma and grandpa Recob, but the bees were not very happy outside so we decided not to eat on it.  All in all, I think he had a great birthday.  He ate up all the attention and got to blow out his candles more times than he knew what to do with!
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