Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rock a Bye Baby

My parents let us take this rocking chair home after Christmas. It was one I had when I was a little girl. The kids just love it...especially Ava and Cooper. This is ava just giggling as she rocks back and forth.
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Cooper in the Rocking Chair

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Impromptu Visit

My parents made an impromptu visit down last weekend and we had a great time. We played hard all afternoon and evening and then put the kids to bed. The fun continued as we played Sheepshead with my parents until almost midnight. Randy instituted the Randy rule midway into the game and ended up ahead for a while. It was my father who took home the bank, as they say. I guess things never change. We enjoyed a big breakfast in the morning with Randy's famous scrambled eggs and bacon. It was great to visit and enjoy some quality time together!
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Iceskating with Cameron

Logan's friend Cameron has an iceskating rink that his dad made in their backyard (pretty neat, right). Logan has been invited over a few times this winter to skate. He really tries hard and is getting better at staying up on the ice. Cameron, who plays in a hockey league, is really good for a five year old. Keep up the great work Cameron and thanks for teaching Logan a thing or two.
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Cooper 'just hangin' out'

Cooper is such a ham when it comes to the camera. He insisted that I take this picture of him when I had the camera out the other day. I can still picture him saying CHEEEESE! What a cutie pie!!
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Logan's Princess 'Grandma Nelson'

It was so great to see Grandma Nelson on our visit to Minnesota in early January. Casey, Logan and I headed up to Minnesota early on Friday (we had off school for the extreem cold weather). The drive went well and we got to Grandma's in the afternoon. We did some grocery shopping for Grandma and then Logan and I headed up to see Meg, Joey, Vincent, William and their new baby Samuel. On Saturday we visited with Grandma and made a trip to Kohls. Then we headed out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, where Logan got the biggest fried icecream I've ever seen! From there we headed back to Grandma's. I managed to get the van stuck in her driveway because it hadn't been shoveled and I had no place to park...luckily Casey and a very nice neighbor girl helped to push me out. With a little shoveling and some muscle we got it out. After that we hit the hay. Sunday was spent visiting and doing a few odd things around the house. Logan did some crafts and made Grandma a sweet of him. Grandma Nelson is his princess. As always Logan got a kick out of watching the trains out Grandma's window...although they don't toot their horns anymore because people complained about the noise (very sad for him). He also enjoyed Grandma's sock machine (which is a contraption she uses to put her socks on since she can't bend over with her 'turtle shell' on from back surgery)...very cute.
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Visit to Meg's

Logan and I visited Meg on a trip to Minnesota earlier this month. The time went by way to fast but it was great to visit with a great friend. The boys played really well. I got some good cuddle time in with Sammy and it was fun to see how big William and Vincent were getting. Later that night Meg and I were able to visit over wine and just relax a little! It was great to see everyone.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Casey's Birthday

My sister just celebrated her 29th birthday on January 8th. We met her in Milwaukee the following Saturday to help her celebrate. We went to dinner at Joey Buenos (a delicious Italian Restaurant downtown) and then we went to Comedy Sports Afterwards. It was so fun to see everyone laughing and celebrating one of the most amazing women I know. My sister has a smile that in absolutely contagious and a laugh that is infectous. Every time we are together I can laugh more in one hour than I've done in the previous week! Casey thank you for being such a giving, loving, affectionate and all together wonderful sister. You truely are amazing in all walks of life. You are an amazing teacher, a great friend, the best sister and sweetest aunt I could ask for! Thanks for all that you do and for all that you are to me and my family. We are truely blessed to have you in our lives.
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