Saturday, January 10, 2009

Casey's Birthday

My sister just celebrated her 29th birthday on January 8th. We met her in Milwaukee the following Saturday to help her celebrate. We went to dinner at Joey Buenos (a delicious Italian Restaurant downtown) and then we went to Comedy Sports Afterwards. It was so fun to see everyone laughing and celebrating one of the most amazing women I know. My sister has a smile that in absolutely contagious and a laugh that is infectous. Every time we are together I can laugh more in one hour than I've done in the previous week! Casey thank you for being such a giving, loving, affectionate and all together wonderful sister. You truely are amazing in all walks of life. You are an amazing teacher, a great friend, the best sister and sweetest aunt I could ask for! Thanks for all that you do and for all that you are to me and my family. We are truely blessed to have you in our lives.
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1 comment:

Casey said...

Thanks for the sweet sentiments! You are an amazing sister too! Love you lots!