Thursday, April 23, 2009

Logan's spring Concert

Logan had his spring concert at 4K. It was fun to watch all the kids get up and sing. They sang "All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir" and "Puff the Magic Dragon". Logan did great and we had so much fun listening to him!
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome Lucas

Our new nephew was born on April 20, 2009 and we were all so excited to meet him! He is so precious to see and hold. He has a ton of beautiful black hair and seems really content! The kids just couldn't get enough of him. It's always so fun to hold a brand new baby. It truely makes you remember what a miracle life is. I feel so blessed to have 3 beautiful children!
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ripley's Aquarium

We had a great time the second time we went the aquarium. We tried it early in the afternoon and it was packed. There were so many people, even I got a headache. The kids had fun both times but when we went back at 7:30 pm it was so much more enjoyable. The kids could run around and explore and Randy and I could relax a bit. Logan and Randy actually got to touch a sting ray and Logan picked up a crab in another exhibit. It was a blast and we were both so happy we went back in the evening!
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Dad and the kids on the beach

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Today we got up and got ready to head to the beach for pictures. We ate some cereal and then went to the ocean. Randy took pictures of the kids and I and then I traded spots with him. Everyone was fairly cooperative (especially since it was a little chilly out). That only took about a half hour…Logan found a few more neat shells then we grabbed Krispie Cream Donuts and went back to our room (this is our one weakness from our days living in Arizona). They are just so good. Ava was ready for a nap early today because of her restless night, so I took the boys to the indoor pool to play. I swam with them for a while and then they met a couple older kids who entertained them while I chatted with their mom at the side of the pool. It was very relaxing and the kids had a good time. We came back to the room, grabbed lunch, and then went down to the park to play. Ava was a climbing fool today. She wasn’t afraid of anything and loved the twisty slide. Cooper was a little tired and Logan had fun climbing across every apparatus he could…he is such a little monkey. Cooper and Ava went down for afternoon naps, while Randy and Logan went to Broadway on the Beach for the afternoon. They tried to hit the IMAX but missed it…maybe tomorrow!
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Mom and the kids on the beach

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Monday, April 13, 2009

The Recob’s Trip to Myrtle Beach - Part 1

Saturday, April 11, 2009

3:45 AM – We woke up and got ourselves ready to go. The kids slept in their clothes so we could just grab them and leave by 4:30 AM. The van was packed the night before so all we had to do was get everyone in and we were off. We made it to Madison by about 5:30 AM after a quick potty stop. Randy dropped us off and went to park the car. A nice gentleman helped us in to check in with our bags. Everything went smoothly. I ran in to a student of mine and her family as we were heading through security (they were on their way to Hawaii). We went through security (took off our shoes, belts, unpacked the laptop, folded down the stroller) and made it through without a problem. In the airport the kids ate their gogurt and granola bars while we waited for the plane. Our first flight to St. Paul, MN went really well. It was about 45 minutes long and everyone was very friendly. Randy sat with the boys and I sat with Ava. We had a little over an hour layover in St. Paul so we grabbed breakfast at McDonalds, which went over well. We walked to the complete opposite end of the airport to catch our second flight to Charleston, SC. We were on a much smaller plane for this part of our flight. Cooper and Ava sat with Daddy and Logan sat with me when we started. After we were in the air Cooper moved back with me and watched a movie with Logan…Ava moved into the car seat to take a catnap. The flight went well, until we landed and sat on the runway waiting for a gate to open up. Ava spit up a bit and the kids were getting antsy. We got our bags right away while Randy took care of our rental car. This part seemed to take forever. The kids had a lot of energy and were way overtired. Finally, Randy got the car taken care of and we rented a cart and got all the car seats loaded into the car. A tight fit but it worked out well! We were finally off. It was about 77 degrees and about 1:00 PM. We stopped to grab sandwich stuff before heading up to Myrtle Beach, the plan was to go to a beach or stop in the National Forest to eat but Logan and Cooper crashed on the way to the grocery store. We arrived at our destination at 4:30 PM after about 12 full hours of traveling and checked into our place. The resort is nice. There’s a lot to do right here…a pool (indoor and outdoor), a small water park for little kids, basketball, tennis, playground equipment and shuffleboard. We got ourselves settled and went down to check out the pools. We also played on the playground. For dinner we went to a brick oven pizza place in town and then headed back for bedtime. The kids crashed hard at around 8:30 PM and Randy and I were close to follow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 – Easter Day

We started out Easter Day with Krispie Cream Donuts, then headed to the park to play. Logan and Daddy played basketball, while Cooper, Ava and I played with bubbles. We ran around for a bit and played on the playground equipment. At 10:00 AM the kids did an Easter Egg Hunt that the resort put on. They each got a few eggs with toys and candy in them…they had fun. Then we came back to the room where Ava and Cooper napped. Randy took Logan to the pool while I relaxed a bit with my book. We packed a lunch and got ready for our first trip to the ocean. The kids were so excited. It was huge and endless and only about a mile from our resort. The kids started out building sand castles and ran back and forth with buckets to fill with water. They tried to fill a mote with water but the sand kept absorbing it…very funny. Then to our amazement Logan wanted to brave the water. It was cold but Randy and I took turns taking both boys in to run after the waves. The temperature of the water didn’t seem to bother them. Even Ava splashed in the ocean and had fun with a bucket and a shovel. After playing for a while we ate lunch on the beach. Logan and Randy went back into the water, while Cooper, Ava and I played on the beach. Logan found some neat shells and Randy found a really pretty one but it was broke in half. We left around 2:30 PM and I took Logan and Cooper to the outdoor pool and kiddie water park. It was freezing cold water, but the boys didn’t seem to mind. We played for a while then the boys got their faces painted and balloon animals. Meanwhile Ava took a much needed nap, while Randy rested a bit. We ate egg noodles and polish sausage for dinner (poor mans dinner as my father calls it) and then went to Broadway on the Beach. The kids rode on two rides (a boat ride and a car ride). Our favorite part was feeding the catfish off the pier. There were so many of them and the kids were just in awe. We finished up there and went back to the room where the kids went to bed. Randy rented us a movie and got icecream and we relaxed in our room for the evening. What a day!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sitting Pretty

Ava is getting to be such a big girl. She is already 15 months old and is becoming quite independent. She actually climbed up on this bench on her own and was so proud of herself. She just kept looking at me to make sure that I had seen what she could do. I just love her spunk and her energy. What a little cutie pie!
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Easter Egg Hunt

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Julie's Birthday Dinner

We celebrated my birthday over the weekend with my parents and my sister. Casey came down on Friday night and we hung out. On Saturday we ran Logan to gymnastics and then raced off to an Easter Egg Hunt. My parents came mid-afternoon. We made fajita's for dinner (a new favorite) and enjoyed a nice meal in the dining room. Casey made a banana cream pie for favorite and it turned out just perfect. It was a great day followed up by some hands of sheepshead after the kiddo's went to bed. I truely appreciate their willingness to come down for the day/weekend to hang out and celebrate!

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Decorating Eggs

We had fun decorating eggs over the weekend in preparation for Easter. This was Cooper's first time and he had a blast dropping the egg in the color and trying to scoop it back up. It was hard to wait for the color to set in but he got the hang of it!
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