Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dad and the kids on the beach

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Today we got up and got ready to head to the beach for pictures. We ate some cereal and then went to the ocean. Randy took pictures of the kids and I and then I traded spots with him. Everyone was fairly cooperative (especially since it was a little chilly out). That only took about a half hour…Logan found a few more neat shells then we grabbed Krispie Cream Donuts and went back to our room (this is our one weakness from our days living in Arizona). They are just so good. Ava was ready for a nap early today because of her restless night, so I took the boys to the indoor pool to play. I swam with them for a while and then they met a couple older kids who entertained them while I chatted with their mom at the side of the pool. It was very relaxing and the kids had a good time. We came back to the room, grabbed lunch, and then went down to the park to play. Ava was a climbing fool today. She wasn’t afraid of anything and loved the twisty slide. Cooper was a little tired and Logan had fun climbing across every apparatus he could…he is such a little monkey. Cooper and Ava went down for afternoon naps, while Randy and Logan went to Broadway on the Beach for the afternoon. They tried to hit the IMAX but missed it…maybe tomorrow!
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