Friday, October 15, 2010

Less is More

Those of you who know me well, know that I don't usually take a less is more philosophy (it's something I need to work on). I love to shop at Sam's Club, my pantry and freezer are overflowing with food, I make spagetti sauce and soup in huge quantities, and when I see a sale on shirts - I like to buy two shirts in different colors instead of just it begs the question, am I really saving money. It goes on and on. I was proud of myself today. I decided to make cookies with the kids this morning, which is always fun, but also stressful. It takes twice as long as normal and can get extreemly messy. So why am I proud of myself? Because instead of doubling or even tripling the recipe, I decided to just make one batch. It was terrific. Ava and Cooper helped me mix up the dough last night and today we rolled them out and cut out our favorite Halloween shapes. Parker sat nearby and watched as both kids cut cookies out of their dough. I have to say, it was fun for me and for them. Yes, it got messy, but the kids helped sweep up with their little brooms and dustpan. Today after naps we will decorate them with Logan's help. I definitely feel like less is more when it comes to making cookies. I was able to relax and enjoy the process instead of feeling like it was never-ending! So now we can enjoy our cookies and have the memorie attached to making them too! Baby steps, right!
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