Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sledding at Water Tower Hill in Omro

We went sledding the day after Christmas as well and had a blast. We went down two by two and on our own and even did a family chain a few times. All was well until I tried being the 'cool mom' and went down and hit the jump. My rump is still reminding me that it wasn't such a great idea.
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Ice-skating in Omro

We had a blast ice-skating in Omro. We went Christmas night (the boys, Aunt Casey and I) and they did great. Then we met Jenny, Aaron, Winston and Olivia there on the 26th and had even more fun. The boys and me for a little while, played hockey. Otherwise we just skated around, had an ice picnic where we enjoyed some popcorn, cookies and hot chocolate on the ice and visited with each other! It was a great tradition, I hope we can continue.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Miller Christmas 2010

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Happy Birthday Jesus

This year we started a wonderful tradition. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Day. My mom with the help of Cooper put together a Red Velvet Torte. It was beautiful and tasted wonderful too! We enjoyed our wonderful dinner and then sang happy birthday with candles to boot. Cooper wanted to know if Jesus got any of the cake and Logan responded by saying that Jesus was in his heart so of course he got cake. It was so sweet and a good reminder of the true meaning of Christmas!
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Christmas Morning 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa's Favorite

Parker at 5 1/2 months old! Too cute for words!
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Ava's birthday

We had Ava's party on Sunday at our house. Randy's family came over along with her God Parents. She had a great time. I think the second picture sums up how she was feeling. She loved all the attention on her...but she was holding in her smile a cute! She requested a Dora cake and was so excited to try it and then ate all the ice-cream and left the cake. She did have a piece today though! She loved all of her gifts of course and was trying to enjoy each one, but Cooper kept handing her one after another to open. After things calmed down she got a chance to play with her doll-house bookshelf, try out her princess computer and she even slept in her new sleeping bag with her owl she named who! She's also been tooling around the kitchen with her new bike. I can't believe she is three already. Where does the time go? She truely is our little princess and we love her so much!
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Ava's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Ava's 3rd birthday with my parents on Saturday after Casey's graduation. Ava was so excited to have the attention on her for the afternoon. She loved all of her gifts...but most of all her new bean bag chair and her Dress that matches her Bitty Baby's. Thanks for making her feel so special!
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Congratulations Graduate

Congratulations to my sister, Casey, who graduated on Saturday with her Masters in Reading. She worked really hard and has had a pretty busy two years, but we are very proud of her and her accomplishments. On top of getting her degree she also earned an award that they only give out to one Master's Degree student for her exemplary work. Great job Casey!
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Meet our New Niece

Meet our new niece, Ellie Jade Recob. She was born at 6:30 on Tuesday night and is absolutely beautiful. As you can see the kids were eating her up. Ron and Bobbi both looked like they were doing great!
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Monday, December 6, 2010

Stocking stuffer

Ava took the meaning of stockings literally when she actually put them on her feet. This was quite cute as you can imagine! She makes quite the stocking stuffer if you know what I mean!
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It's Spiderman, It's Buzz Lightyear, It's Santa's Cooper. That's right, my little Cooper loves to dress up and this is what he came up with today! Too cute!
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Making Pretzel Snowman

Making pretzel snowman...and a mess too!
Showing off their creations before they eat them.
Ava and Aly discovered they had matching PJ's...they are little twins!
Logan and Ethan - Good Friends!
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