Monday, December 20, 2010

Ava's birthday

We had Ava's party on Sunday at our house. Randy's family came over along with her God Parents. She had a great time. I think the second picture sums up how she was feeling. She loved all the attention on her...but she was holding in her smile a cute! She requested a Dora cake and was so excited to try it and then ate all the ice-cream and left the cake. She did have a piece today though! She loved all of her gifts of course and was trying to enjoy each one, but Cooper kept handing her one after another to open. After things calmed down she got a chance to play with her doll-house bookshelf, try out her princess computer and she even slept in her new sleeping bag with her owl she named who! She's also been tooling around the kitchen with her new bike. I can't believe she is three already. Where does the time go? She truely is our little princess and we love her so much!
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