Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Alyssa

Our God-daughter Alyssa turned 6 last week. It really is amazing how quickly the time goes! She has such a fun personality and has blossomed into such a neat young lady! Happy Birthday Alyssa.
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Just the 9 of us

Hope, Ava, Grant, Logan, Alyssa, Parker, Ethan, Cole, and Cooper

Ava - the swamp monster

Ethan and Logan fishing off the pier

Daddy and Parker

Matt and Cole
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A Day at Green Lake

We were thrilled to spend the day at Green Lake with good friends of ours on Saturday. The kids swam and then we went on a boat ride. We ate our lunch on the boat, listened to some fun music and then let the kids do some tubing. Afterwards it was back to the pier for more swimming, some games of catch, fishing off the dock and fun in the sand. It was a great day!
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Ava and Olivia

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Grandma and the kids at Bay Beach

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Rides at Bay Beach

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Bay Beach

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A Day at the Silverthorn's Farm

The kids always look forward to heading out to the farm when we are in Omro. We got to see kittens that were just 4 days old and so small they could fit in Cooper's hand. Ava held on tight to Cathy's hand as they walked around looking at the baby calves and the big cows. Parker got to explore a little too. It was his first day in big boy shoes after almost a week of walking (he's still not to sure of himself, but it will come). Afterwards Bernie stopped by and grabbed Cooper and took him on a four-wheeler ride. Logan and Ava got to go on rides too! What a fun morning!
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Having Fun with the Cousins

Parker with his slingshot

Cooper and Nolan playing at the table

Maddi with a great big smile

Ron, Ellie (giving smiles) and Bobbie
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Enjoying Cake

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Making a Splash

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