Monday, August 8, 2011

Great America 2011

We had a great time at Great America Sunday. Kaitlyn and I took the boys down right when the park opened. The rain stopped as we were walking in and we headed right for Batman Dark Knight! Logan loved it, while Cooper was a bit apprehensive. We went on a few more small rollercoasters and Cooper was still unsure, then we found the kid area (Flinstone rides galore) and Cooper was in heaven. He had the biggest smile! Meanwhile, Kailtyn and Logan hit a roller coaster. After lunch we went into the waterpark and enjoyed the wave pool, the Tornado and the multitude of waterslides. We got caught in a terential downpour and waited it out in the car and then headed back into the park for a few more rides and some cotton candy. It was such a nice day.
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