Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012 at Casey's


We had a great Easter celebration at Casey's.  We got to her house mid-afternoon on Saturday, went to the candy store where she gave them all some $ and let them pick out treats, then off to the park to play.  My parents met us there and we played some more.  Then back to Casey's to get the kids some supper.  The adults went out to dinner at the Milwaukee Ale House, which was so nice and then played some sheepshead.  Sunday the kids woke up and searched for their baskets.  Logan had a tough time finding his, but got it in the end in a white cabinet in Casey's basement.  We all headed to church to celebrate our risen Lord and then walked back to Casey's where the bunny had eggs hidden all over her yard!  The kids had a fantastic time finding them and eating the treats!  Then back inside to eat a WONDERFUL pork tenderloin with potatoes, fennel, carrots and onions, rainbow jellow and yummy roles.  Afterwards we enjoyed homemade cake balls. We were all pretty exhausted, but we managed to perk up to celebrate my birthday with delicious banana cake, homemade vanilla icecream and very thoughtful gifts! I had a wonderful Easter birthday and don't feel a day over 35!  Oh that's right, I'm not....yet!
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