Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ava's Birthday

In typical Recob fashion, we had Ava's birthday party on a "bad weather day", which for those of you who live in Wisconsin at this time of year know as a day containing a mixture of snow, ice, wind and cold. Even with the weather though we had a great turnout and our little girl had tons of fun entertaining family and friends. She got to show off some new moves (she just started walking the last couple of days...more to come on that) and was all smiles for everyone. Julie decorated the house in an owl theme (including the creation of 20 or so owls that must have taken hours) and the food was delicious. It was also an opportunity for Julie and I to reminisce on the last year and to once again be awed by the changes that have taken place. It's said often and is probably cliche but time sure does move fast and the only hope is that you enjoy every minute of it...I know we all did today.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ava you are getting to be so big and so beautiful! I can't believe how much you look like Logan!! Congrats on turning 1. :)