Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

It was another exciting and eventful Christmas holiday for the Recob clan. On Christmas Eve morning we did presents from Mom and Dad. Julie made some delicious Monkey bread and we all enjoyed it's yummy, sticky goodness while the boys tore into their presents. Ava got into the mix a little bit too, mostly wanting to play with whatever toy the boys had just opened.

After presents we headed over to my parents to celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa Recob, Kaitlyn, Ron, Bobbi and family. We ate like normal (tons of delicious appetizers, a full course dinner featuring the "roast beast" and desserts-0-plenty) with present opening framing dinner. Logan got a remote control helicopter that he'd been asking for since September, Cooper got some new food for his kitchen (he's quite the chef) and Ava had fun opening some matching bedding for her owl themed room. We left probably a half hour too late with the kids getting a little cranky but everyone had a great time.

On Christmas day morning we woke early to find that Santa had visited and he must have thought the kids were especially good this year. All I can say is that there was a whirlwind of wrapping paper and when it was all over we had even more presents which the kids played with enthusiastically until it was time to leave for Christmas at the Miller's.

We got up to Julie's parents around 1PM and had a wonderful turkey dinner (I'm not sure how we crammed it in...I'm still full). We then opened even more presents...Logan got a trunk full of costumes (Transformer, pirate, horse) from his Aunt Casey that both he and Cooper enjoyed. Cooper got some food which he could cut (velcro'd segments) and was chopping up a storm. After presents we all went to the sledding hill to try out the new sleds that the boys got from Grandma and Grandpa. We all had a great time and everyone had a laugh at Dad when he went over an unseen jump cut into the sledding hill which gave him a nice little adjustment to his back.

Like I said, another eventful Recob Christmas...

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