Sunday, September 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well we made it through a crazy Saturday! Isn't it amazing that you can have nothing going on one day and the next day you have so much going on that you actually have to pick and choose what you are going to do. Our day started with me running in our local Fall Crawl at 9 am, followed by Logan's first flag football practice/game at 9:45. Randy helps coach this so we both needed to be at different places at the same time. This required us getting a babysitter for an hour to cover the difference in time. I volunteered to help with soccer registration from 11:30-2:30 last May when I was unaware that we would have so much other stuff going on. Then the boys (Logan and Cooper) had a carnival they went to at 12:00 at church. Logan had soccer at 2:20 at the same fields where I was helping out, so I was able to scoot over and watch him play. Then we had our neice's 10th birthday party (which we couldn't miss!). As if this wasn't enough, Ava got sick in the middle of the night and was running a pretty high fever. She slept most of the morning and got up long enough to get sick all over her comforter and the couch. Randy was left to clean up because this was just at the time I had to leave for soccer. Sometimes I think God is testing us to see just how much we can actually handle. Needless to say we made it through the day. I had to miss Maddi's birthday to stay with Ava, which was disappointing for both of us, but Ava seems healthier now and we are very much enjoying a low key Sunday! Thank goodness there are two days in the weekend...although I wouldn't be complaining if we could just add one more day off per week!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wheeling Around the Driveway

The kids are enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having lately in the afternoon. Yesterday, I got out the little cars and the kids took turns going down our driveway hill. Even Parker loved getting rides on the Plasma car with his brother and sister.
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Parker and his Two Favorite Things

This is our littlest bundle of joy, Parker, with his two favorite things: his blanket and his fingers. He is very much like his Aunt Casey was, he loves his blankie and even signs for it now. He also loves his two fingers. When times get tough for him (ie...mommy or daddy won't hold him when they are trying to do 1000 other things) or he is tired, he snuggles up with his blankie and puts those fingers in his mouth! It's really cute right now, but I wonder how long he will hang on to this little security trick of his. We've always been great about taking away the pacifier by age 1, but we can't really take away his fingers. Ha Ha!
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let's get Organized

Randy made this wonderful storage locker system for our garage. We sat down together and designed it, bought wood, cut it all out, put it together, primed it, painted it and then put another coat on. It was truely a labor of love (done mostly by my wonderful hubby)! It will be so nice for everyone to have a spot to put their stuff! I still have to make name tags to put on the milk-crates, but we started using it today and it was great!
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Monday, September 12, 2011

One Last Swim this Year

The kids enjoyed one last swim this year with some of the neighbor kids on Sunday! It was so hot out and the pool was a chilly 72 degrees. The kids didn't seem to mind though, they were splashing away and taking in one last splash!
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom and Cooper

Happy 57th birthday mom and happy 5th birthday Cooper...notice they have the number '5' in common! We had a nice time celebrating with everyone up at the campsite!
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Day at the campground

We visited my parents and sister up at their campsite on Sunday to celebrate my Mom's and Cooper's birthdays (just 3 days apart). Although I was in some pain from my tooth drama this week we still had a really nice time. The kids played on the edge of the lake right across from their site, Randy played football with the boys, we went to the park and went down the tunnel slide, ate a terrific meal, opened presents and had birthday cake. It ended up being a great day and the weather held out until just before we left when it started raining. It was probably a blessing that we opted not to camp over night because it was cold and rainy most of the weekend. The campground, Lenwood Lake, was a neat place but the owners were really strict about everything and not very friendly or open to visitors. Maybe next year we will find a different location, but this year we tried hard to embrace the fact that we were together!
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School

Logan starts 2nd grade this year with Mrs. England.

Cooper is in 4K with Mrs. Johnson

Ava is going to pre-school this year on Tuesday and Thursday's with Mrs. Nehmer.
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