Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Day at the campground

We visited my parents and sister up at their campsite on Sunday to celebrate my Mom's and Cooper's birthdays (just 3 days apart). Although I was in some pain from my tooth drama this week we still had a really nice time. The kids played on the edge of the lake right across from their site, Randy played football with the boys, we went to the park and went down the tunnel slide, ate a terrific meal, opened presents and had birthday cake. It ended up being a great day and the weather held out until just before we left when it started raining. It was probably a blessing that we opted not to camp over night because it was cold and rainy most of the weekend. The campground, Lenwood Lake, was a neat place but the owners were really strict about everything and not very friendly or open to visitors. Maybe next year we will find a different location, but this year we tried hard to embrace the fact that we were together!
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