Sunday, September 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well we made it through a crazy Saturday! Isn't it amazing that you can have nothing going on one day and the next day you have so much going on that you actually have to pick and choose what you are going to do. Our day started with me running in our local Fall Crawl at 9 am, followed by Logan's first flag football practice/game at 9:45. Randy helps coach this so we both needed to be at different places at the same time. This required us getting a babysitter for an hour to cover the difference in time. I volunteered to help with soccer registration from 11:30-2:30 last May when I was unaware that we would have so much other stuff going on. Then the boys (Logan and Cooper) had a carnival they went to at 12:00 at church. Logan had soccer at 2:20 at the same fields where I was helping out, so I was able to scoot over and watch him play. Then we had our neice's 10th birthday party (which we couldn't miss!). As if this wasn't enough, Ava got sick in the middle of the night and was running a pretty high fever. She slept most of the morning and got up long enough to get sick all over her comforter and the couch. Randy was left to clean up because this was just at the time I had to leave for soccer. Sometimes I think God is testing us to see just how much we can actually handle. Needless to say we made it through the day. I had to miss Maddi's birthday to stay with Ava, which was disappointing for both of us, but Ava seems healthier now and we are very much enjoying a low key Sunday! Thank goodness there are two days in the weekend...although I wouldn't be complaining if we could just add one more day off per week!!

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