Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Millers

We had a lot of fun this year at my sister's house for Thanksgiving. We had such a nice time. My parents were there and my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Diane also joined us from Minnesota. We had the traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, potatoes, stuffing (with apples and sausage...excellent), sweet potatoes (delicious), homemade cranberry sauce and relish, and green bean caserole. We all ate a ton and enjoyed a game of 31 after we ate. While we played cards the kids had a movie theater in Casey's living room with popcorn and hot cocoa with marshmellows (in a sippy cup)..ha ha. They watched Wall-E (very cute). The kids also got to play across the street at the church playground. We played chase, house, climbed the rope, played tag around and down the slide and raced around the church building. After we came home Cooper asked to go potty and take a nap. It's great when the kids ask to take a often does that happen? It was a great day all around!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Beautiful family picture you five! Logan you are a boy after my own heart. I still LOVE putting olives on my fingers! :)