Monday, September 21, 2009

9 Year of Wedded Bliss

For our anniversary this year I asked Randy to take me out on a date. I didn't want to have to think about anything. So he called a babysitter (for the first time ever...besides asking family) and arranged everything. On Saturday night he picked up the sitter and we headed to Velvet Lips, a restaurant in town. We had a martini and an appetizer (calamari, my favorite) and chatted on the floating peer outside the restaurant. Then we went to Central Coast for dance lessons (the Tango and Foxtrot). We were certainly beginners but had a great time. There were two other couples there so we got a lot of attention but also got to see couples who kind of knew what they were doing. After lessons we enjoyed a wonderful meal with salad, main course and dessert. I had shrimp scampi...and it was wonderful. After dinner we watched the other couples dance a bit and even went out and tried out what we had learned. We did a little swing dancing, fox trot, waltzing and even tried the tango. I'm sure we looked quite mechanical, but we were learning it together and having a great time. It was the perfect way to spend our anniversary. I feel so blessed to have met and married my best friend. There isn't anything in my life that has made me happier. He has helped me grow into the person I am, he supports my creative hobbies and puts up with all of my crazy personality traits. He has given me 3 wonderful children and is a great dad. There is a saying that has become quite popular lately "All because two people fell in love". I truely think that is true in my life.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Congratulations you two!!!