Saturday, September 19, 2009

Football or Soccer

Logan had a busy day on Saturday. He had his first flag football practice in the morning. Randy is helping out with his team, which Logan loves. The kids did some drills, played a few games and learned some of the rules of the game. Then they got to play a little game at the end. It was exciting to watch. Many of the kids had never played flag football before, so lots of them had no idea what was going on. Logan had a lot of fun though and actually got one of the kids flags. He also ended up being on a team with two of his 4K friends and another friend of his from school!

After football and a light lunch, we went to the soccer field for his second soccer practice. I know we're crazy...two things at once. They just overlapped and we couldn't choose which one to put him we'll see how this goes. Anyway, soccer went great. Logan had a blast and scored 3 goals. He has some friends from school on his team, which is fun also.

So which will he choose to do next year...I don't know. It's so fun seeing him have fun out there with all of his friends.
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