Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ava's in a Big Girl Bed

This has been a couple of weeks coming...On the day of Cooper's family birthday party, Ava decided it was time to try crawling out of her crib. She did it a few times that day. The last time we let her know this was not very stearn voices. So two weeks go by and she doesn't try it again, until the day of our block party. She climbed out of her crib 4 times. The last time I went into her room and found her on top of her changing table (scary). It was at this point that we decide it was time to put her into a bed. It went suprisingly well. She loves it and the first two nights she didn't get up at all. On night 3 she peaked out of her her room once or twice and went back in when we asked her to. She just loves being able to get into her bed all by herself (and out again in the morning). Naps have been a little more interesting. She's not napping quite as long as she did in the crib, but I have to say I'm pretty impressed at how well she did!
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