Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Logan is Officially a Kindergartener

Logan started Kindergarten today at Barrie School (the school I teach at). So I got to wear my teacher hat, as well as, my mom hat today. He was so excited to begin his journey. Randy dropped off Cooper and Ava and met me at school, where we took Logan out to the Kindergarten playground to play before school started. Then we headed into the room with the kids (I had a to leave for 15 minutes to get my students situated). We unpacked his backpack and then Mrs. Wagie talked with the kids about what they could expect for the day. She read them a book she had made titled "People at Barrie School". Two of the people she introduced were our custodians, who help keep the building clean. Logan raised his hand and said. They should have my grandma Miller come work here because she loves to clean. Then she read another book called "The Kissing Hand". It was very sweet. After the tear-jerking story they went back to their seats to trace their hand and color it as a response to the book. The parents were graciously escorted out with a picture and a kiss and my 'little man' was officially on his own. I really can't believe where the time goes. It seems like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms or walking to the park with him in the stroller. Now he's turning into such a neat little guy. He had a blast at Kindergarten. He got to do crafts, play at the sand table, play with the turtle 'Al', chase his friends as recess (who are his friends to the end), and take a nap...which he did no problem. All in all he had a great day and can't wait to go back again tomorrow!
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